Does battlefield 5 have a campaign
Does battlefield 5 have a campaign

Deme charges into an artillery bombardment and forces his way up a hill filled with machine-gun nests, trenches, and guns that can obliterate him with a single, hellishly-aimed shell. The rest of the stage is wonderfully chaotic warfare, and easily the best of the War Stories I play. With manpower short, however, and the situation desperate, Deme forces his superiors to let him fight. The opening cinematic sees him eager to fight, but instead he’s presented with a spade and told to fill sandbags while ‘proper’ French troops battle the Germans. Except Deme is a colonial soldier, has never actually visited France before, and is now being asked to fight and die for a nation that treats him as a second-class citizen. Again, the action is great - a neat blend of stealth and all-out warfare, with WW2 weaponry that packs a genuine punch - so it manages to nail 50% of the ‘War Story’ moniker.įinally, I play Tirailleur, which focuses on the French conscript Deme Cisse fighting for his country in the south of France. I only play the opening section, which sees Billy getting it all badly wrong and having to take down the entire airfield to cover up his mistakes, so let’s hope the story gets better in the remaining acts. There’s the most awful cockney banter, clearly designed for and by people with no understanding of British regional dialects, and it renders all the characters instantly dislikeable. The action is thrilling - you play as Billy Bridger, an ex-con turned Special Boat Service soldier - who is tasked with infiltrating an airfield to blow up the planes. The second stage I play is Under No Flag and, while it tries hard to capture the spirit of the Bad Company games, it falls short. If there was about 10-15 hours of War Stories like this, included in a single package with an overarching story, you’d play it and say “Yeah, that’s a great story shooter - glad I paid $50 for it.” Sadly, the fact that there are only four War Stories here means it falls short on value as a purely single player outing but… y’know… there is a class-leading multiplayer game in there too. There’s a brilliant orchestral score, the enemies are smart, the action is well paced and… my goodness, it’s almost like DICE has nailed the Battlefield single player experience. It could easily last a couple of hours, if you take it slowly, and the core relationship triangle between Solveig, her mother, and the German officer who is overseeing the enemy operation is an interesting one. Nothing revolutionary, then, but it’s an extremely polished and well-produced story. There are even vehicles to drive, and plenty of weapon caches to loot if you fancy a different load-out. There are multiple ways to do it all, and you can choose to stealth or go in all-guns-blazing, thanks to the wealth of routes and choke-points on the map. The mission itself is multi-part, and classic war gaming fare: go here, blow this up, escape, kill more Germans etc etc. Set inside a snowy, mountainous region of Norway, this first story is literally chilling and dark classic Battlefield violence mixes with stealth and a handful of handsome cut-scenes, all set against the glistening snow and the glow of the Aurora Borealis. You play as Solveig, a Norwegian resistance fighter who is infiltrating a heavy water plant to rescue her mother. The first of the War Stories (although you can play in any order) is Nordlys, which you’ve seen footage from in previous Battlefield 5 trailers. To say ‘you’ve never played anything like this’ is too generous a statement, but they do offer tried and tested WW2 shooter action in settings and scenarios that feel very different to other games you’ve played previously.


I’ve played all but the Last Tiger, which is actually due for release in December (don’t fret - it’s a free download for everyone), and each one offers a very distinct flavour of WW2. These are: Nordlys, Under No Flag, Tirailleur, and The Last Tiger. So, if you don’t count the Prologue, as it only lasts about ten minutes, there are four War Stories in the game. You flip from one soldier to the next as they fall in combat, their deaths abrupt and uncelebrated, as the narrative paints an increasingly sombre, unwinnable picture of World War 2. Well, that’s a bit of a fib the first of these, Prologue, is more like an interactive montage where you play out all the themes and emotional messages of the game. There are five war stories due for Battlefield 5.

Does battlefield 5 have a campaign